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POWERGRID Infrastructure Investment Trust InvIT IPO Detail

POWERGRID Infrastructure Investment Trust InvIT IPO Detail

Powergrid InvIT (Infrastructure Investment Trust) owns, construct, operate, maintain and invest in power transmission assets in India. Powergrid InvIT registered with SEBI as an InvIT on January 7, 2021.

Powergrid InvIT has been given a credit rating of Provisional [ICRA] AAA (Stable), CARE AAA (Is); Stable and Provisional CCR AAA/Stable by ICRA Limited, CARE Ratings Limited, and CRISIL Ratings Limited, respectively.

Powergrid InvIT's sponsor is Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL). PGCIL is the largest power transmission company in India. PGCIL is engaged in project planning, designing, financing, constructing, operating, and maintaining power transmission projects across India.

Powergrid InvIT's Investment Manager, POWERGRID Unchahar Transmission Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of PGCIL. They are responsible for managing the InvIT, the Initial Portfolio Assets as well as undertaking investment decisions relating to its assets.

Powergrid InvIT's Trustee, IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited is SEBI registered debenture trustee. They are responsible for ensuring that its business activities and investment policies comply with the provisions of the InvIT Regulations, and monitoring the activities of our Investment Manager and the Project Manager.

Company Promoters

IPO Details

IPO Opening DateApr 29, 2021
IPO Closing DateMay 03, 2021
Issue TypeBook Built Issue InvIT
Face Value₹10 per equity share
IPO Price ₹99 - 100 per equity share
Market Lot1100 Shares
Min Order Quantity1100 Shares
Listing AtBSE, NSE
Issue Size₹7,734.99
Fresh IssueEq Shares of ₹ (aggregating up to ₹4,993.48 Cr)
Offer for SaleEq Shares of ₹ (aggregating up to ₹2,741.51 Cr)
Retail Portion -

IPO Subscription (Bidding Detail)

Day 1 0.03x - - 0.19x x 0.10x
Day 2 0.38x - - 0.88x x 0.61x
Day 3 4.63x - - 5.07x x 4.83x

IPO Tentative Timetable

The POWERGRID Infrastructure Investment Trust InvIT IPO open date is Apr 29, 2021, and the close date is May 03, 2021. The issue may list on May 17, 2021.

IPO Open DateApr 29, 2021
IPO Close DateMay 03, 2021
Basis of Allotment DateMay 10, 2021
Initiation of RefundsMay 11, 2021
Credit of Shares to Demat AccountMay 11, 2021
IPO Listing DateMay 17, 2021

IPO Lot Size

The POWERGRID Infrastructure Investment Trust InvIT IPO market lot size is 1100 shares. A retail-individual investor can apply for up to 1 lots (1100 shares or ₹110000).

ApplicationLotsSharesAmount (Cut-off)

Company Financials:

For the year/period ended (₹ in Crs)

Financial Year Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax

Objects of the Issue: