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Oneclick Logistics India Limited IPO Detail

Oneclick Logistics India Limited IPO Detail

Incorporated in 2017, Oneclick Logistics India Limited is an integrated logistics services and solutions provider.

The company's service list can be broadly categorized as:

  1. Non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC).
  2. Ocean and air freight forwarding (Freight Forwarding).
  3. Bulk cargo handling (Bulk Cargo).
  4. Custom clearance.
  5. Allied logistics and transportation services.

Company Promoters

Mr. Rajan Shivram Mote and Mr. Mahesh Liladhar Bhanushali

IPO Details

IPO Opening DateSep 27, 2023
IPO Closing DateOct 03, 2023
Issue TypeFixed Price Issue IPO
Face Value₹10 per equity share
IPO Price ₹99 per equity share
Market Lot1200 Shares
Min Order Quantity1200 Shares
Listing AtNSE SME
Issue Size₹9.91 Cr
Fresh Issue₹9.91 Cr
Offer for Sale-
Retail Portion 47.36%

IPO Subscription (Bidding Detail)

Day 1 - - 1.12x 7.98x 4.45x
Day 2 - - 10.73x 24.24x 19.49x
Day 3 - - 139.26x 224.18x 185.21x

IPO Tentative Timetable

The Oneclick Logistics India Limited IPO open date is Sep 27, 2023, and the close date is Oct 03, 2023. The issue may list on Oct 11, 2023.

IPO Open DateSep 27, 2023
IPO Close DateOct 03, 2023
Basis of Allotment DateOct 06, 2023
Initiation of RefundsOct 09, 2023
Credit of Shares to Demat AccountOct 10, 2023
IPO Listing DateOct 11, 2023

IPO Lot Size

The Oneclick Logistics India Limited IPO market lot size is 1200 shares. A retail-individual investor can apply for up to 1 lots (1200 shares or ₹118800).

ApplicationLotsSharesAmount (Cut-off)

IPO Promoter Holding

Pre Issue Share Holding93.00%
Post Issue Share Holding67.17%

Company Financials:

For the year/period ended (₹ in Lakhs)

Financial Year Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax
31-Mar-20 446.41 1167.35 32.61
31-Mar-21 489.41 489.41 101.83
31-Mar-22 997.97 997.97 129.69

Objects of the Issue:

The company intends to utilize the net proceeds from the issue towards the funding of the following objects:

  1. Meeting incremental working capital requirements.
  2. General corporate purposes.

Oneclick Logistics India Limited IPO Registrar:

Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd

Oneclick Logistics India Limited IPO Lead Manager(s):

Fedex Securities Pvt Ltd

Company Contact Information:

Oneclick Logistics India Limited

511, 5th Floor, Goldcrest Business Park,

LBS Marg, Opp Shreyes Cinema,

Ghatkopar West, Mumbai - 400086