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Nanavati Ventures Limited IPO Detail

Nanavati Ventures Limited IPO Detail

Incorporated in 2010, Nanavati Ventures Limited is a Diamond Trading company. The company sells diamonds largely to a domestic customer base that includes jewellery manufacturers, large department store chains, retail stores, and wholesalers. The company is located in Surat, Gujarat.

Nanavati Ventures purchases rough and unpolished diamonds from suppliers, and then professional workers process and polish those rough gemstones for the end product. The company's products are sold and distributed through independent sales and distribution networks.

Competitive Strengths.

  • The established brand.
  • Management and Employee expertise.
  • Understand Customer Needs.
  • Existing distribution and sales networks in the domestic market and our geographical benefit.
  • Quality products.

Company Promoters

Mrs. Kashmira Hemantkumar Nanavati, Mr Shreykumar Hasmukhbhai Sheth and Ms Vaishnavi Hemantkumar Nanavati are the company promoters.

IPO Details

IPO Opening DateApr 25, 2022
IPO Closing DateApr 27, 2022
Issue TypeFixed Price Issue IPO
Face Value₹10 per equity share
IPO Price ₹50 per equity share
Market Lot3000 Shares
Min Order Quantity3000 Shares
Listing AtBSE SME
Issue Size₹2.18 Cr
Fresh Issue₹2.18 Cr
Offer for Sale-
Retail Portion 50%

IPO Subscription (Bidding Detail)

Day 1 - - 0.06x 11.58x 5.82x
Day 2 - - 0.45x 27.15x 13.80x
Day 3 - - 13.86x 51.17x 32.52x

IPO Tentative Timetable

The Nanavati Ventures Limited IPO open date is Apr 25, 2022, and the close date is Apr 27, 2022. The issue may list on May 06, 2022.

IPO Open DateApr 25, 2022
IPO Close DateApr 27, 2022
Basis of Allotment DateMay 02, 2022
Initiation of RefundsMay 04, 2022
Credit of Shares to Demat AccountMay 05, 2022
IPO Listing DateMay 06, 2022

IPO Lot Size

The Nanavati Ventures Limited IPO market lot size is 3000 shares. A retail-individual investor can apply for up to 1 lots (3000 shares or ₹150000).

ApplicationLotsSharesAmount (Cut-off)

IPO Promoter Holding

Pre Issue Share Holding71%
Post Issue Share Holding52.19%

Company Financials:

For the year/period ended (₹ in Lakhs)

Financial Year Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax
31-Dec-21 1417.95 1049.52 9.98
31-Mar-21 663.55 1131.70 11.97
31-Mar-20 286.88 595.10 5.39
31-Mar-19 186.62 55.51 0.03

Objects of the Issue:

The Objects of the Issue are:

  1. To meet the working capital requirements of the company.
  2. To meet the Issue Expenses.
  3. General Corporate Purpose.

Nanavati Ventures Limited IPO Registrar:

KFin Technologies Limited

Nanavati Ventures Limited IPO Lead Manager(s):

First Overseas Capital Limited (Past IPO Performance)

Company Contact Information:

Nanavati Ventures Limited

S-414, OM Plaza, Adarsh App. Co. Op. Ho. Soc., Village: Vijalpor,

