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Kandarp Digi Smart BPO Ltd IPO Detail

Kandarp Digi Smart BPO Ltd IPO Detail

Incorporated in 2001, Kandarp Digi Smart BPO Limited is engaged in BPO services specializing in the area of support services solutions. The company provides a wide range of support services such as Call Centre, Contact Point Verifications, Site Visits, Document check/Pickup, E-KYC, Skip Tracing, Employee Back Check, Staffing Solutions, Payroll Management, Payment Collections (soft), AMC Booking Services etc. to its clients and specializes in providing End to End solutions to customers/clients.

The company has been in the current business line for more than 20 years and the client lists include various banks, insurance companies, financial service companies, etc. The company also helps clients with voice support services, field support services and Back Office Processing Services to provide a comprehensive range of services across all industry sectors to clients who need specialist assistance.

Kandarp Digi Smart BPO Limited has a Distribution Network all over India covering most parts of India and providing services across all cities of India.

Strengths :

  • Distribution Network.
  • Experienced management and a well-trained employee base.
  • Existing client relationship.
  • Diversified customer base and revenue sources.
  • Increasing the efficiency and knowledge of Employees.

Company Promoters

Mr. Sunil Kumar Rai, Mrs. Meenakshi Pathak and M/s Reliable Data Services Limited are the company promoters.

IPO Details

IPO Opening DateSep 16, 2022
IPO Closing DateSep 20, 2022
Issue TypeFixed Price Issue IPO
Face Value₹10 per equity share
IPO Price ₹30 per equity share
Market Lot4000 Shares
Min Order Quantity4000 Shares
Listing AtNSE SME
Issue Size₹8.10 Cr
Fresh Issue2,700,000 shares of ₹10 (aggregating up to ₹8.10 Cr)
Offer for Sale-
Retail Portion 50%

IPO Subscription (Bidding Detail)

Day 1 - - 0.03x 0.14x 0.09x
Day 2 - - 0.23x 0.82x 0.52x
Day 3 - - 0.88x 2.80x 1.84x

IPO Tentative Timetable

The Kandarp Digi Smart BPO Ltd IPO open date is Sep 16, 2022, and the close date is Sep 20, 2022. The issue may list on Sep 28, 2022.

IPO Open DateSep 16, 2022
IPO Close DateSep 20, 2022
Basis of Allotment DateSep 23, 2022
Initiation of RefundsSep 26, 2022
Credit of Shares to Demat AccountSep 27, 2022
IPO Listing DateSep 28, 2022

IPO Lot Size

The Kandarp Digi Smart BPO Ltd IPO market lot size is 4000 shares. A retail-individual investor can apply for up to 1 lots (4000 shares or ₹120000).

ApplicationLotsSharesAmount (Cut-off)

IPO Promoter Holding

Pre Issue Share Holding100%
Post Issue Share Holding69.91%

Company Financials:

For the year/period ended (₹ in Lakhs)

Financial Year Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax
31-Mar-20 1191.15 1012.59 111.54
31-Mar-21 1719.64 1053.55 10.56
31-Mar-22 1860.42 1287.84 94.04

Objects of the Issue:

The Net Proceeds from the Fresh Issue will be utilized towards the following objects:

1. To Meet Working Capital Requirement

2. General Corporate Purpose

3. To Meet the Issue Expenses

Kandarp Digi Smart BPO Ltd IPO Registrar:

Skyline Financial Services Private Ltd

Kandarp Digi Smart BPO Ltd IPO Lead Manager(s):

Beeline Capital Advisors Pvt Ltd (Past IPO Performance)

Company Contact Information:

Kandarp Digi Smart BPO Ltd

GF-22 Hans Bhawan, Bahadur Saha Zafar Marg

New Delhi

New Delhi