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Dodla Dairy Limited IPO Detail

Dodla Dairy Limited IPO Detail

Incorporated in 1995, Dodla Dairy Limited is an integrated dairy company in South India that is engaged in the procurement, processing, distribution, and marketing of milk and other dairy products. It processes and sells milk including standardized, toned, and double toned milk, and produces dairy products like curd, butter, ghee, ice cream, flavoured milk, etc.

Its Indian operations are mainly undertaken under the brand name of "Dodla", "Dodla Dairy", and "KC+" whereas it serves overseas market under the brand name of "Dodla Dairy", "Dairy Top", and "Dodla+". Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra are the key Indian market segments served by the company while in the overseas market, it mainly serves countries like Uganda and Kenya.

It has a total of 13 processing plants to process raw material into packaged milk and manufacture dairy-based value-added products. The firm has a strong distribution network of 40 sales offices, 3336 distribution agents, 863 milk distributors, and 449 product distributors across 11 states in India.

Competitive strengths

  • Large product portfolio.
  • Leading dairy player in the Southern region of India.
  • Strong distribution network.
  • Integrated business model with stringent quality control procedure.
  • Experienced board and managerial team.

Company Promoters

Dodla Sunil Reddy, Dodla Sesha Reddy, and Dodla Family trust are the company promoters.

IPO Details

IPO Opening DateJun 16, 2021
IPO Closing DateJun 18, 2021
Issue TypeBook Built Issue IPO
Face Value₹10 per equity share
IPO Price ₹421 - 428 per equity share
Market Lot35 Shares
Min Order Quantity35 Shares
Listing AtBSE, NSE
Issue Size₹520.18 Cr
Fresh Issue[.] Eq Shares of ₹10 (aggregating up to ₹50.00 Cr)
Offer for Sale10,985,444 Eq Shares of ₹10 (aggregating up to ₹470.18 Cr)
Retail Portion -

IPO Subscription (Bidding Detail)

Day 1 - - x x x

IPO Tentative Timetable

The Dodla Dairy Limited IPO open date is Jun 16, 2021, and the close date is Jun 18, 2021. The issue may list on Jun 28, 2021.

IPO Open DateJun 16, 2021
IPO Close DateJun 18, 2021
Basis of Allotment DateJun 23, 2021
Initiation of RefundsJun 24, 2021
Credit of Shares to Demat AccountJun 25, 2021
IPO Listing DateJun 28, 2021

IPO Lot Size

The Dodla Dairy Limited IPO market lot size is 35 shares. A retail-individual investor can apply for up to 13 lots (455 shares or ₹194740).

ApplicationLotsSharesAmount (Cut-off)

IPO Promoter Holding

Pre Issue Share Holding68.52%
Post Issue Share Holding64.17%

Company Financials:

For the year/period ended (₹ in Crs)

Financial Year Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax
31-Dec-20 8,637.87 14,170.35 1,163.85
31-Mar-20 8,003.08 21,456.49 498.71
31-Mar-19 7,519.21 16,994.59 627.62
31-Mar-18 6,089.64 15,970.13 568.54

Objects of the Issue:

The net IPO proceeds will be used for the following purposes;

  • To repay or prepay company's borowings fully or partially.
  • To finance capital expenditure requirements.
  • To meet general corporate purposes.