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Comrade Appliances Limited IPO Detail

Comrade Appliances Limited IPO Detail

Incorporated in 2017, Comrade Appliances Limited is engaged in the process of manufacturing an extensive array of Air Coolers and Electric Geysers. The company manufactures consumer durable goods and assembles various products. They offer end-to-end product solutions to their customers.

Comrade Appliances operate under both, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) business models.

Under the OEM model, they manufacture and supply products basis designs developed by their customers, later these products are sold under the customer's brand name. Under the ODM model, along with manufacturing, Comrade Appliances Limited also conceptualize and designs the products which are then marketed to the customers' prospective customers under their brands.

Presently, the company's product portfolio of consumer goods consists of:

  • Air Coolers
  • Electric Geysers

The company's products are marketed, manufactured, and sold under the brand name "Comrade".

The company has a manufacturing facility located at Palghar admeasuring 66,322 Sq. Ft.

Company Promoters

M/s Troupe Technologies Private Limited, Mr. Khursheed Alam and Mr. Mehboob Alam

IPO Details

IPO Opening DateMay 31, 2023
IPO Closing DateJun 05, 2023
Issue TypeBook Built Issue IPO
Face Value₹10 per equity share
IPO Price ₹52 - 54 per equity share
Market Lot2000 Shares
Min Order Quantity2000 Shares
Listing AtBSE SME
Issue Size₹12.30 Cr
Fresh Issue₹12.30 Cr
Offer for Sale-
Retail Portion 35%

IPO Tentative Timetable

The Comrade Appliances Limited IPO open date is May 31, 2023, and the close date is Jun 05, 2023. The issue may list on Jun 13, 2023.

IPO Open DateMay 31, 2023
IPO Close DateJun 05, 2023
Basis of Allotment DateJun 08, 2023
Initiation of RefundsJun 09, 2023
Credit of Shares to Demat AccountJun 12, 2023
IPO Listing DateJun 13, 2023

IPO Lot Size

The Comrade Appliances Limited IPO market lot size is 2000 shares. A retail-individual investor can apply for up to 1 lots (2000 shares or ₹108000).

ApplicationLotsSharesAmount (Cut-off)

IPO Promoter Holding

Pre Issue Share Holding100.00%
Post Issue Share Holding73.35%

Company Financials:

For the year/period ended (₹ in Lakhs)

Financial Year Total Assets Total Revenue Profit After Tax
31-Mar-20 1,678.98 2,162.29 41.80
31-Mar-21 3,140.65 2,603.85 20.21
31-Mar-22 2,527.31 2,973.28 38.75
31-Aug-22 2,272.21 1,559.15 100.45

Objects of the Issue:

The Company intends to utilize the Net Fresh Issue Proceeds for the following Objectives:

  1. Working Capital Requirements
  2. General Corporate Purposes

Comrade Appliances Limited IPO Registrar:

Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd

Comrade Appliances Limited IPO Lead Manager(s):

Gretex Corporate Services Pvt Ltd

Company Contact Information:

Comrade Appliances Limited

Shop No. 39, Ground Level I,

Dewan Centre, 183-186, S.V. Road, Jogeshwari West,

Mumbai - 400102